

The world of 2017

アジア全体       風地観六三
北アメリカ       地風升六五
南アメリカ       風雷益六四
西ヨーロッパ      水沢節上六
黒海周辺        火雷噬?九四
カスピ海周辺      水雷屯九五
北アフリカ       雷天大壮九四
中東アジア       火水未済六五
北極海周辺       天火同人初九
南極          山地剥六二
南シナ海        火天大有九四
東シナ海        雷風恒九二
地下国         風天小畜六四
南極直下国家      火水未済九四
地球外生命体コンタクト 坤為地初六
衛星軌道戦争      乾為天九五

トランプ対ソロス    風水渙六三
ロスチャイルド     沢風大過上六
FRB 中央銀行     山天大畜九三
トランプ対習近平    沢火革六二
日本          天沢履上六
ロシア         水山蹇六四
アメリカ合衆国     兌為沢初九
中華人民共和国(中国) 沢天夬上六
イルミナティ      坎為水六三
トランプ大統領政策   水風井上六

イギリス        火山旅六二
ドイツ         地水師六三
フランス        地風升九二
イタリア        天雷无妄六二
オランダ        天雷无妄九四
スイス         地山謙九三
ハザール・マフィア   火水未済九四
スウェーデン      雷火豊六五
オーストリア      天沢履九五
グローバル企業     火沢?上六

チベット        天風?初六
ウィグル自治区     水地比六三
内モンゴル       沢雷随初九
中華民国(台湾)    雷山小過九三
インドシナ半島     地沢臨初九
インド         雷風恒九二
カザフスタン      雷水解六三
キルギス        風山漸六四
タジキスタン      雷地豫六二
ウズベキスタン     山水蒙初六
トルクメニスタン    火山旅上九
アフガニスタン     地山謙上六
アゼルバイジャン    水雷屯上六
イラン         地火明夷六二
クルド人        雷風恒上六
北朝鮮         艮為山九三
韓国          天沢履上九
香港          風雷益九五
タイ          雷水解上六
ハザール対イスラエル  地火明夷六二
中國共産党       火沢?上九

租税回避地       地雷復六五
欧州移民問題      火天大有九四
欧州極右化       風火家人六四
第三次大戦勃発?    雷水解九四

自動ブレーキ義務化?  天風?上九
自動ブレーキ無し車   地風升九三
AI 何か発見      山火賁上九



追伸 2017/3/18
地軸の移動はこれから  風水渙九五


メディグ medig@me-dig.com

World story in 2017

Asia as a whole "decide on your way in your country."
Every country will revisit his country and decide his course.
It becomes free like this because China's influence has declined.
Next year in China, "There is no head".
There is a dispute around Beijing and the existence of not only the chairman but also the Communist Party itself is dangerous.
Inside China, Tibet, Wiggle autonomous region, outside Taiwan becomes a gunpowder, in particular Wiggle autonomous region does not invite guests also participate in conflict and confront with the People's Liberation Army.
The invited guests pass through Iran from Azerbaijan and appear in Turkmenistan or Afghanistan. And they join in Kazakhstan and come to the Chinese border.
It comes directly from Europe and Russia.
This move last year when Putin = KGB declared that the Illuminati-Hazar Mafia = pseudo-Jews beat down, America and Israel were synchronized, fake Jewish identification was made by KGB, FBI, CIA, Mossad, It will allow them to choose to leave the country concerned.
Some of them will go to Germany and join existing members, but their movements will significantly reduce the reliability of German industrial products and fall into a predicament that can no longer keep the position of the EU's allies.
Around this time, refugees from Ukraine, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Africa and people around Kuroshi and the Caspian Sea gathered people and people of Kurds who lost their way to Europe for the right turning. Here is the place where Hazar Mafia long ago pledged eternal revenge to Russia. Now Rothschild and Soros are useless, they will turn the fire that ignited in Ukraine at the foot of this Russia into a flame. In the first place Russia robbed the Crimean peninsula, the north of the Black Sea has become a battlefield. The weakened hazar mafia, which was mixed in this place, can not win now, but after three years it has one country. And Britain will acknowledge it. For Russia the battle will continue and it will be a big pain.
The United States is peaceful, but passionate for multinational companies. The headquarters will be placed in the United States and illegal tax evasion will not be allowed. This will enhance security and social security.
The East China Sea is relatively quiet, but in the South China Sea the conflict with China and neighboring countries and the United States began. The stage also faces the universe, it becomes a battle with the space station as a mother ship. For this reason, a more inexpensive launch method is put to practical use. Also, since a large amount of space debris will be left, the installation of an orbital elevator will begin immediately after a battle.

Postscript 2017/3/18

A story continued
The intellectual creatures under the ice of Antarctica will become the place where the whole world knows in 2020, and it will be an unknown state on Earth. There will also be extraterrestrial life there, but it does not seem to be in touch. At first it will accept and some may get, but eventually humankind will regret that it is too close to them. The earth's axis has moved considerably since 2000, but it is further accelerated. It is probably due to new oil mining in the United States, China, Southeast Asia, and sharp decline in groundwater. (It is also an addition. Since it is expression called the command of the Great, the approach of the planet, crustal deformation, control of the inhabitants of the moon, this change will not return to the original.)Movement of the North Pole and South Pole will be a big problem.

Medig medig@me-dig.com

日本の次期戦闘機 F3 は造られるのか

Will Japan's next fighter F3 be built? 日本の次期戦闘機 F3 は造られるのか 最近になって、F3の自主開発は優先順位が下がって、それより防衛の為のミサイル配備が先ではないか、という話になってきているようです。 ...