


The Japanese government abolished the regulation of private broadcasters

2018/3/22 19:58





メディグ medig@medig.biz     medig@me-dig.com

With the reform of the broadcasting system by the Abe administration, the abolition of the provisions of the broadcasting law seeking political equality of television and radio programs. In addition, the government found out that it is a policy to almost completely eliminate broadcasting related regulations, such as program standards mandated by broadcasting stations, on 22nd. As far as national broadcasting is concerned.

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2018/3/22 19: 58

© General Kyodo News

It is big news.
How about this, for commercial stations
* Suitihi 5
"It is no use trying to capture the whole nation with the radio waves transmitted from there in the closed room, and nobody will show interest, eventually they will notice. It is necessary to accept other opinions than those with a broader mind. "

For advertising agencies,
* Sanraii 5
"Even if they try to lead a big thing, they will not have the ability. Despite being in such a position, they have not prepared for this case until now. It is best to incorporate opinions widely. "

I do not mind being biased coverage, but does that mean they lack common sense.
It's a waste, something like humility.

What they need is to study Youtube or Nico Nico Videos. It is late.

Medig medig@medig.biz     medig@me-dig.com

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