

The world of 2018

The world of 2018

日本          山火賁六四
中華民国(台湾)    火山旅六五
北朝鮮         沢地萃六二
金正恩         坤為地六五
韓国          火天大有九四
香港          水雷屯上六
インド         巽為風六四
ベトナム        山風蠱初六
タイ          沢地萃九五
インドネシア      火天大有上九
カンボジア       巽為風九五
マレーシア       山風蠱九三
オーストラリア     山風蠱上九
ニュージーランド    雷地豫上六

中華人民共和国(中国) 山天大畜六五
中国共産党       風地観九五
中国の対外武力行使   乾為天上九
人民解放軍       天山遯九四
南シナ海の基地は    沢山咸上六
チベット        天風姤九二
新疆ウイグル自治区   火天大有上九

サウジアラビア     水沢節六三
イスラエル       山水蒙六三
トルコ         水地比六四
イラク         水沢節六四
イラン         離為火六五
シリア         火地晋初六
アフガニスタン     水地比六三
パキスタン       風火家人九三

シルクロード鉄道    風沢中孚六四

習近平         巽為風九二
江沢民         水地比六二
トランプ        沢地萃九四
文在寅         地山謙九三
アメリカ合衆国     山天大畜九二    
カナダ         離為火九三
南アメリカ       巽為風初六
西ヨーロッパ      山風蠱九二
東ヨーロッパ      火地晋六三
ロシア         天雷无妄上九
イギリス        水山蹇上六    
ドイツ         火山旅上九
フランス        沢火革上六
イタリア        火山旅六二
オランダ        坎為水初六
スイス         地火明夷九三
スウェーデン      天水訟六三
オーストリア      水天需初九
ハザール・マフィア   坎為水六四

ロックフェラー家    天水訟上九
ロスチャイルド家    山風蠱九二

FRB 中央銀行     風地観初六

言い換えれば、インド ー 太平洋 ー アメリカの時代。

追伸 2018/1/6


追伸 2018/1/11



追伸 2018/1/22





追伸 2018/1/23


アメリカ合衆国     車の車輪を外して動かない。見栄えより実力を蓄える
カナダ         もうそろそろ夕暮れ。酒でも飲んでいるしかない
南アメリカ       気持ちがふらふら。もっと自己主張を
西ヨーロッパ      母親の間違いはやさしく訂正
東ヨーロッパ      陽が昇る
ロシア         何もしない。他国が何か決めたら、ゆっくり判断
イギリス        ぬかるみを過ぎ、遠くに灯りが見える。焦らずゆっくり
ドイツ         旅路は踏んだり蹴ったり。慎み深く
フランス        革命は終わった。古い服を脱ぎ捨てよう
イタリア        宿も良いし楽しめるが、長居は無用。すぐに出発しよう
オランダ        洪水に巻き込まれた。道が見えない
スイス         悪王追放
スウェーデン      静観。今まで通りのやり方で
オーストリア      遠くから傍観。会いに行っても無駄足

ハザール・マフィア   隠れたスポンサーが居る。陰でこっそり頼む

追伸 2018/1/24


メディグ medig@medig.biz     medig@me-dig.com

After all, the Asian era, it is also the arrival of East Asia and South Asia era?

In other words, the Indian Pacific - America era.
India, Taiwan, etc. are likely to find a big revenue source around this year.

China is the end the era of Xi Jinping, Jiāng Zémín factions rally the forces.

Although the Jiāng Zémín faction itself will not be in the position of power, by forgiving the soldiers' independent run, the defense of Beijing will become thinner and the power of the Central Communist Party will be lost.

Then the Communist Party will fall down.

In the case of local governments, there is no one pretending not to see by the military, riots of the people.

I do not know how much support the U.S. has ever tried to raise that land into a large market,

It seems that it will depend on future response that the result will be obtained.

Then, the countries that are under pressure in the South China Sea regain their vitality.

The People's Liberation Army of China is not interested in foreign war because it is the first to protect its domestic position.

However, fellowships will arise due to club position.

The Korean Peninsula is on the palm of the United States. As a matter of fact, China is the same.

Looking at the result of fortune telling, the United States and China are comparing. Speaking of the fact that the United States does not move, China is the same as a castrated wild boar (that is, it is the same as a domestic pig).

North Korea is quiet.

South Korea is still looking from the top, but that country will be required to play international roles from all over the world.

Japan does not fight, but also refuses to disturb neighboring countries. It will not be a friendly relationship with neighboring countries.

Middle East is not very good. Israel, Islamic area, both are far from stable.

The oil producing countries are the same.

Europe is also miserable.

The Rockefeller family and the Rothschild family have declined and they can not do as much as they like.

The Silk Road railway may also be in the conflict within China.

Regardless of this, this railroad seems to be useful.

Postscript 2018/1 / 6

By disappearing the shareholder Rockefeller etc, FRB will also be gone.
From now on, the government issues American bank notes.
At the end of many sacrifices, President Donald Trump will succeed.

In the news, it is very loud as to how to raise the rate, but in future it will be issued under American credit and with the intention of the US government, so the story will be different.

It will not be a banknote with that bad eyeball but a historical pattern of America will be drawn.

It will be exchanged for the circulating dollar bill, but confusion will happen.
What is wrong, if so, what is the anger that what was the coin of the past?
The government who did nothing, the former president, the silent economists,

I think that it would be better for them to throw stones and eggs from the public.

Postscript 2018/1/11

Korea's position is very difficult and dangerous.
It means sun to heaven, but its sun is North Korea.

There is North Korea at the position of 5, the position of the king, and Korea is located at the fourth place very close to it.

Korea will drop close to the king with the momentum, but it is another master who moves that king (North Korea). So when Korea approaches North Korea and seems to be going well, Korea notices the difference.
Korea is forced to make a big burden.

The meaning of Japanese fortune telling is to decorate.
Now Japan is in position 4.

At the time of 1, it was "walking by throwing away the car." It can be said that it is not decorated.
Such a state continued for half a century, abandoning weapons and dealing with just what is present.
And now, Japan decorates itself with a solid shell.
Japan will armor, but this is not for attacking.
The Constitution is finally revised.

Postscript 2018/1/22

Recently China and Taiwan also have a problem of changing the status quo.
China began to fly military aircraft between China and Taiwan without permission.

It will be heading for India and the South China Sea as well as fighters, warships, submarines, military aircraft that fly to Japan for reconnaissance, military aircraft to fly to Taiwan, and so on.
But is there any room for such freely available oil in China now?

* Water, mountain, foot freezing, YIN 2

"No matter what they do, they can not pay off."

It seems that the army is coming around and flying in a very difficult fiscal situation.

Because there will be oil stockpiling along the coast, does the army use it without permission? Or let it evaporate spontaneously.

After all, even if as said of Xi Jinping, because it is no unlikely that the military is rewarded.

Even if it says that Beijing should save oil, then it can not be trained, and since it will be a weapon with poor fuel economy it will inevitably consume a lot.

The money earned in America and Europe seems to disappear just for oil purchase cost.

Unfortunately Japan also imports a great deal of poisonous vegetables from China.

It also imports medicinal pickles from the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

More about China and the United States.

China and the United States are in a similar state so far. The two countries have agreed to stop each other from stimulating.

America is a civil war until it completely turns FRB into a national American bank. So do not move anything to remove the wheel of the car. President Trump will keep many of his strength in the country. There are many enemies. Alien Bankers, neo-Nazism guys, former presidents. They must be annihilated. The President also wants to manage the Vatican by raising the Embassy relocation in Jerusalem, but he thinks he may be able to drag the Vatican into war with the Arab.
And the reigning in the UK, nobility and its chiefs, they will not come out again

China is the same. Party who blame the Xi Jinping is so much, and they're vigor actively as boar. They must be castrated. It may be impossible.
That's why, in other words The more things out of control to Xi Jinping, China will be decent.
It will be a while after the United States imposes high tariffs on Chinese products.

one more.
It is good to electrify a car, but the brand value of European cars greatly drops.
In 2030 or 2040, promises to completely eliminate fossil fuel vehicles are rebounded.
Moreover, it does not move with batteries alone, it will be the era of hydrogen.
Not only fuel cells but also hydrogen engines will be put to practical use.
Long before I wrote about the era of hydrogen on Yahoo blogs and this blog ...
I thought it was wrong, though ;;;
I am convinced that there is nowhere other than hydrogen.
I think that very efficient gasoline cars etc will remain depending on the country,
On the basis of this, trade friction and so on between countries that can be built and countries that do not, it seems.

Postscript 2018 / January 23

Fortunetelling, it appears that the European peninsula, Russia, Canada, others are bad.
I will write the meaning of EKIーFortunetelling for a moment.

United States *** Do not move wheels off the car. You save your ability rather than looking good

Canada *** It's about twilight already. You can only drink alcohol

South America *** Feeling fluffy. You should make more self-assertion

Western Europe *** Let's correct mistakes of mothers gently

Eastern Europe *** The sun rises

Russia *** You had better not do anything. If someone decides something, slowly decide

United Kingdom *** You passed the muddy and you can see the light in the distance. Slowly and carelessly

Germany *** Journeys continue disaster. Modestly

France *** The revolution has ended. Let's take off old clothes

Italy *** The accommodation can be good and enjoyable, but staying long is useless. Let's leave now

Netherlands *** You were caught in a flood. For quite a while the road will not be seen

Switzerland *** Exile the evil king

Sweden *** Static observation. Things to go forward in the way you have been

Austria *** Spectacle from afar. There is nothing you can get when you go to see

Hazar Mafia *** There is a hidden sponsor. Ask on the shadow secretly

Postscript 2018 / January 24

So, does the alien people in the deep state who have fallen to the American people get destroyed

It seems that it is not so.

It can escape to foreign countries.

It is not Israel or Britain, it may be Japan.

Although Bill Gates already seems to be constructing a dubious giant building in Karuizawa.

It seems they chose Japan's spine, which is close to the metropolitan area

Medig medig@medig.biz     medig@me-dig.com

0 件のコメント:


日本の次期戦闘機 F3 は造られるのか

Will Japan's next fighter F3 be built? 日本の次期戦闘機 F3 は造られるのか 最近になって、F3の自主開発は優先順位が下がって、それより防衛の為のミサイル配備が先ではないか、という話になってきているようです。 ...